This is a convenient, rolling view of comments left on the last 30 entries of this photoblog.

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August 31, 2015: Morning Glory on County Line Road
David Christian:

Haven’t checked in for a few years; glad to see more of your beautiful work.

August 31, 2015: Morning Glory on County Line Road
Ciprian Donisa:

I used to live in Berks county, and we had flowers just like these every year. You captured it wonderfully.

August 31, 2015: Morning Glory on County Line Road
Patrick Philippi:

It's okay I guess.

August 31, 2015: Morning Glory on County Line Road
Laurie Collins:

Great lighting!

August 31, 2015: Morning Glory on County Line Road
Debbie Bennett-Vidaure:

so captivating, Kath! Just beautiful!

August 31, 2015: Raub's Island
David Tinnon:

A grand moment!

August 31, 2015: Raub's Island
Debbie Bennett-Vidaure:


August 31, 2015: Raub's Island

This is a beautiful picture Kathleen. It brings back memories.

August 29, 2015: Morning Light Near Durham Church
David Tinnon:

Wow Kathleen, perfect timing!

August 24, 2015: River Fog and Soybeans
David Tinnon:

Such rich color! Beautiful.

June 01, 2015: Turkeys
Ron Lofgren:

It was so nice to be scanning my favorite photography blogs and find four images from you and find that they still have the same "feel" as always. Thank you for sharing your talent.

March 25, 2015: Beech
David Tinnon:

A visual dessert.

March 24, 2015: Barn Ruins
David Tinnon:

Strikes me more as an illustration than a photograph. Lots of symbology here.

March 24, 2015: Barn Ruins

Hey Kathleen, loved your photoblog, used to be on my daily list in the past 5-10 years, maybe you should drop a photo every now and then..

March 24, 2015: Barn Ruins
Harry Jackson:

Nice and adorable photo. The snow made it an excellent one. but all the same great caption.

March 24, 2015: Barn Ruins

Always nice 2 see your work. All the best from Sweden :)

March 24, 2015: Barn Ruins
Jonathan Perlstein:


March 22, 2015: Robin
Jonathan Perlstein:


March 20, 2015: Crow
David Tinnon:

Well, that was perfect!

March 20, 2015: Crow
Jo Armstrong:

Sure miss seeing your beautiful part of Gods world. Thank You for all you have shared. May you and your loved ones have a blessed Merry Christmas.

March 20, 2015: Crow

long time with no new uploads. is everythng ok with you? :)
hugs from Sweden

March 20, 2015: Crow

Nothing warms my soul when I see some snow
Than to see it with some old crow.

February 19, 2015: Snow Drifts II
David Tinnon:


Which rhymes with elephant,
But sadly that's irrelevant.

February 19, 2015: Snow Drifts II
Betty B:


February 19, 2015: Snow Drifts II

Hello. I love your photos. Greetings from Germany. Jens

February 19, 2015: Snow Drifts II

I miss the beauty of snow drifts. However, I don't miss shoveling out my car to go to work in the morning. Beautiful shot Kathleen.

February 19, 2015: Snow Drifts II

Kathleen...! I am speechless. Such a good piece of your work. It is amazing what you have achieved. Chapeau bas.

February 19, 2015: Snow Drifts II

Frosted flakes
Arranged just so
Left by the wind
After a blow
A temporary sculpture
The medium....snow

February 19, 2015: Snow Drifts II

Good morning Durham Township and Kathleen Connally.
Glad to see your work again.

February 19, 2015: Snow Drifts II
Jessyel Ty Gonzalez:

Absolutely stunning. One of my favorites of your recent work.

February 18, 2015: Snow Drifts
David Tinnon:

This subject/composition instantly makes me thank of a particular painter, but the name requires another hour to arrive.

February 17, 2015: Pink Icicles
Jessyel Ty Gonzalez:

Wowza. Another stunner.

January 23, 2015: A Row of Canada Geese
David Tinnon:

A beautiful tapestry, or a jigsaw puzzle!

January 11, 2015: Snow Geese Above Thaler's Barn
scott riether:

drool. amazing.

January 11, 2015: Snow Geese Above Thaler's Barn
David Tinnon:

Makes my top favorites list! Love the shapes of the shadows against the warm tones.